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Is Rich Real 4U


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Financial Independence Is Possible

You want to become financially independent, but how will you get there? At Is Rich Real 4U, it is the mission of our financial consultants to provide you with the answers and the mechanisms that will allow you to finally achieve financial independence.

Tune in to our weekly call where we'll discuss paying off credit card debt, saving for retirement, and other topics. We also recommend taking part in our yearly events where we talk about getting out of debt and building wealth. Also, be sure to check out our YouTube videos for great advice (and a little humor) on a variety of important financial topics. Lastly, browse our selection of books and audiobooks for even more helpful financial advice!

Read Millionaire Mentoring Course to learn how to build your wealth the millionaire way.

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Millionaire Mentoring Course Book Cover

Learn how to manage your money at any age with Wealth Building for All Ages.

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Wealth Building for all Ages Book Cover

Be inspired by Mrs. Hamilton's rise to the top in Annette's Story.

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Annette Speaking

About Us

With more than 40 years of experience, co-founders Bill and Annette Hamilton can help you reach your financial goals and become successful. After discovering tools and tips on how to manage money effectively, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton started Is Rich Real 4U to share their knowledge with the world. For information and recommendations on how to properly manage your finances, contact us today.

Our Financial Services Include

  • Mortgage
  • Retirement Strategies
  • Wealth-Building Principles
  • Educational
    Event Hosting


Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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(844) 386-2607
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Monday – Thursday:
10 a.m. – 5 p.m. CST
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